Sunday, February 6, 2011

The New Beginning Chapter 2

Aang ran out the door of the Tea Shop to go ask Katara if she wanted to have a romantic picnic on the beach. The four girls were already a few block down from the tea shop. Aang stopped short and stood on the side walk wondering if it  would be the be the best idea to ask Katara in front of Toph, Mai,, and Suki. ' I don't know if this is such a good idea! What if Katara laughs in my face!!?? Then what would I do!? I would probably go all Avatar State on her! I wouldnt  want to hurt her! NO, AANG! GO GET HER!' Aang thought to himself. Aang ran after Katara while calling her name.  Katara stopped walking and turned around to see Aang calling her name frantically. "What  is it, Aang?" Katara said while walking towrds him calmly. By that time, Katara was now standing in front of Aang, "Um....." fumbled Aang, "Well, what is it, Aang?" Katara asked in a soohing tone. "I.....uh.....wanted to ask you something......but I can see that you are going some where.....I mean....Will-" Aang was cut short by Katara taking his hand into hers. "Will I what, Aang?" Katara asked with a smile. "Will you go on a picnic with me on th beach this eveing? But if you don't want too.......we could do it some other time, if you wanted............." Aang trailed off. "I would love too, Aang!" Katara smiled sweetly. "Really! Uh.......I mean, Great! So, um when should we go?" asked Aang. "How about we go when the sun is setting." Katara said while still holding the Airbenders hand. "Ok!!!!!!!" Smiled Aang with reilief. Aang looked deep into the Waterbenders sea blue eyes, as did Katara look  into the Airbenders calm, grey eyes. Katara leaned into Aang and pressed her lips againsted his. Aang enjoyed the kiss and deepened it. Katara pulled away gently, as did Aang, "I will see you tonight, Aang." Katara smiled and kissed Aang lightly on the cheek and let go of his hand and started walking back to were Toph, Mai, and Suki were standing, "See you tonight, Katara!" Aang called after her. "Looks likesomebody has a date!" smiled Toph with a giggle. "So, were did Twinkle Toes ask you to go with him?" Toph asked wih a smirk. "How did you know he asked me out?" Katara asked suspiciously. "I can feel yours and Aang's heart rate, your hearts are beating like crazy! Thats how I know." said Toph casually. "Well, I hope you two have a nice date!" Suki smiled. " Yeah have a great time." Mai said dryly. " I think we will have a fantasic time!" Katara smiled as the fur girls walked through the city.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The New Beginning Chapter 1

Aang walked back into the Jasmin Dragon and sat on the floor to play with Momo, while Katara lingered out on the balcony. "Hey, Katara!" Came a familiar voice. Katara turned around to find Zuko standing in the door way. "Oh, hey, Zuko." said Katara with a smile. "Are you OK? You've been out here for a while." said Zuko. "I'm fine!" said Katara cheerfully. "Oh, OK then." said  Zuko in his normal tone of voice, as he walked back into the tea shop. Katara had been thinking about Aang and how it had been a week since they had kissed. She was also thinking about her love for the Avatar. Katara finally went inside the Tea Shop and sat down  next to Suki. "Are you alright, Katara? You've been out there for almost an hour! Is something bugging you?" asked Suki innocently. " No,I'm fine. Why is everyone so worried about me?" Katara asked with on eye brow raised. Suki shrugged and went back to her tea. Katara looked over at Aang to see him blushing at her. She smiled and winked at him, then, she looked at the floor. She was still thinking about her relationship with Aang. "Well, I'm going out for a nice walk n the city. Anyone care to join me?" ask Katara who was trying to get her mind off worrying. "I'll come with you!" Suki said enthusiastically. "Me, too! I could use a niiiiice stompin in the dirt!" smiled Toph. "I think I'll go, too, Katara." said Mai in her usual 'not very interested tone'. "YOU, are going for a walk with THEM!?" asked Zuko in a clearly surprised tone that his girlfriend was going to go out on a Girls Day Out. "Yes, I am. Do you have a problem with that?" asked Mai in the same tone of voice she had been using earlier. The four girls headed out the door when Aang just remembered that he had wanted to ask Katara something........important


Helllloooooo, ATLA fans!!!!!! I'm Sarah and I LOVE ATLA!!!!!!!! (Avatar The Last Airbender) I will be posting the latest Avatar TLA News and.........(drum role)................My very own FANFICTION!!!!!!!! Oh YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! By the way, this blog is PRO KATAANG!!! So.......yeah! Oh and by the way..........WHO IS EXCITED ABOUT Legend of Korra!!!!!???? I AM!!!!!!!! (I do not own ATLA!!!!)